An interview clip with Richard Dawkins on LBC in which the prominent atheist declared himself to be a 'cultural Christian' is presently doing the rounds on social media. Expressing dismay at the promotion of Ramadan instead of Easter in Britain, Dawkins noted that if he had to choose between Christianity and Islam, he would choose Christianity every time.
These remarks have provoked a wave of outrage and surprise. "There's something deeply ironic about Richard Dawkins, who spent decades undermining Christianity, now saying he is a 'cultural Christian' who 'likes living in a Christian country,' and is 'horrified' to see Islam rising in Christianity's place," proclaimed one editor. The 'luxury communist' thinker Aaron Bastani similarly wrote: "Bizarre from Dawkins, who wrote a book called 'The God Delusion' claiming religion was a deeply malevolent, dividing force in the world. Now he's calling himself a 'cultural Christian'? Find it odd to use religion to extend your secular political points." Murtaza Hussain of The Intercept accused Dawkins of shifting his position after participating in a "ruthless cultural war against Christianity" and only "belatedly" realising his mistake. Even the prominent historian Tom Holland, who seems more understanding of Dawkins' perspective, is under the impression that Dawkins has only recently begun to shift his views.
If only people's memories went beyond the latest clip to go viral. The reality is that Dawkins' advocacy of 'cultural Christianity' over Islam is nothing new or bizarre, and to accuse him of having waged a 'cultural war' on Christianity is off the mark. I observe this point because I distinctly remember reading Dawkins' 2006 book The God Delusion back when it was first released.
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