My translation below (revised: 20 September). One can listen to the nasheed here.
Our Shari'a is the minaret and model,
And a lamp-stand for the ayat [signs] and the perfection.
It is the truth that has made darkness die,
And thus has the exposed disbelief run away in its disgrace. [chorus]
It is a camp in which faith reigns supreme,
A camp in which error has become agitated.
The hudud of God have indeed been established in it.
Through this have equals demanded justice and obtained it.
The pillars of Shari'a cannot be shaken,
The humble emulates them and is not surpassed.
Here is the abode of the Caliphate and excellence
The pinnacle of its jihad is high and long.
The Shari'a of our Lord is an exalted light
In us have noble deeds and traits risen on high.
Our Shari'a, oh people, is security
For those whose vessels and wealth have perished.
The abode of the Caliphate has flourished in jihad
Brought down beneath its area are men,
Callers for pure guidance, defiant.
By the law of God they have hit and struck.
The principles of religion flourish after dryness,
For justice has arisen and the field of life has been organized.
So come, brother, and pay zakat.
By this do wealth and yields grow.
The Lord doubles and increases them for you.
And malice and fatigue withdraw.
So gnash your teeth and seize upon them.
For under their shades may rise the good deed.