As ever, I should stress that I am not an academic expert on anasheed. I simply provide translations of ones I particularly like. The nasheed in question- featured in my 2013 'Jihadivision' nasheed contest (an alternative to the infidels' Eurovision)- is unsurprisingly a favourite of Hizb-ut-Tahrir in Syria, where the party and ideologically-aligned battalions are most concentrated in the Aleppo area. After all, the nasheed glorifies notions of restoring the pan-Islamic Khilafa (Caliphate).
The nasheed is featured to accompany video footage of a Hizb-ut-Tahrir parade from March of this year in the surrounding Aleppo countryside.
Translation by Aymenn Jawad Al-Tamimi
I am at your service, Islam of heroism: all of us sacrifice for [your] protection.
I am at your service, as I place a ladder from our skulls for your glory.
I am at your service, if the banner languishes, the youth spills blood for it.
These crowds; tomorrow their members will be gathered in my state.
And they will begin to dispel falsehood under my patrol
And they will hoist the banners with their swaying on the horizons.
I am at your service, Islam of heroism: all of us sacrifice for [your] protection.
I am at your service, as I place a ladder from our skulls for your glory.
I am at your service, if the banner languishes, the youth spills blood for it.
The color of the blood tomorrow will be made from my record of my glory.
And we will judge* to live with the nobility of my Ummah
And the children will extol its name as my banner has been living.
I am at your service, Islam of heroism: all of us sacrifice for [your] protection.
I am at your service, as I place a ladder from our skulls for your glory.
I am at your service, if the banner languishes, the youth spills blood for it.
Oh Lord, verily have I asked you, so hear my call.
Verily I have spent the night awake, expecting to meet daylight, so hasten my elevation
This is the path of the believers, so safeguard my splendor for me.
I am at your service, Islam of heroism: all of us sacrifice for [your] protection.
I am at your service, as I place a ladder from our skulls for your glory.
I am at your service, if the banner languishes, the youth spills blood for it.
*- Some renderings have نمضي rather than نقضي, so on that reading it would be: 'We will go to live...'